How to Keep Your Spa Clean
Do you know how to protect and clean your hot tub year-round?
Is it necessary to perform hot tub and spa maintenance regularly?
No one wants to discover that their spa pool is covered in algae or debris when they go for a dip. That's why regular spa maintenance is so essential. From hot tub chemical levels to using a spa cover, there is a lot that you need to remember if you want to keep your spa healthy.
Hot tub and spa maintenance are essential to maintain a healthy spa and get the most out of your investment. As a hot tub owner, you should be booking a thorough cleaning around every four months. Some spa owners prefer to perform regular weekly spa maintenance while others schedule a monthly clean, no matter what you decide, it's vital that you clean your hot tub, you don't want to swim in a bacterial soup next time you jump in your spa.
In addition to regular cleaning and maintenance, it's also important to keep an eye on the various components of your spa, including the spa heater. If you notice that your hot tub water is not heating up as it should, it could be a sign you need a spa heater repair. Ignoring this issue can lead to further damage to your spa and potentially more expensive repairs down the line.
How often should I clean my hot tub
We recommend that you do a deep clean of your hot tub or spa at least three to four times a year, in addition weekly sanitising is recommended after regular use. Giving your hot tub a deep clean includes draining the water, giving the tub a good scrub, and refilling it with fresh water. It’s also recommended to clean your filter cartridges at least once a month.
How to Clean a Spa: Top Tips for Effective Spa Cleaning
Knowing how to clean a spa is a crucial part of your maintenance. With correct spa cleaning, you can avoid bacteria growth, mould, or debris build up and possibly save hundreds of dollars in repairs. To create your own spa cleaning guide, there are some top tips you can include.

1. What hot tub chemicals should you use?
What chemical is better for your spa pool, chlorine or bromine? Did you know that the spa chemicals that you use in your spa will affect both you and your spa equipment?
To determine your hot tub water chemistry, you can use spa test strips to find out the pH balance and ensure it is within the proper ranges (7.4-7.6 pH level). If your water quality is bad, you may find that your spa water balance may need adjusting.
For your go-to cleaning solution you should never use bromine as it can cause lasting damage to your skin and your spa pool's filter cartridge and inner workings. You can reduce the need to use harsh chemicals by regularly cleaning your spa and using fresh water.
Do you have cloudy water, or are concerned about adding chemicals, read more about spa water quality
2. Use a hot tub cover
One of the easiest ways to keep your spa clean is by using a spa pool cover, this prevents debris from contaminating your fresh water and clogging up spa filters. If you do have some leaves or debris on your spa surfaces you can use a scoop to clear them away before you turn on your spa. To clean your spa cover you can use a garden hose to wash it off regularly.

3. Drain and refill
Part of your hot tub's cleaning checklist should also include a regular maintenance drain and refill. This helps to prevent damage to your outdoor spas especially if you use your spa frequently. When you drain all your spa water you can wash out all your pipes and clean the shell of your spa to remove built up bacteria. You should ideally remove your hot tub's water around three or four times a year. Doing this can vastly improve the quality of your spa water.
4. Measure the pH and alkalinity of your water
This might sound like a complicated step, but checking the pH and alkalinity of your water is actually a straightforward process. It’s important to know that alkalinity and pH are linked. While pH measures how acidic or basic the water is, alkalinity refers to the water's ability to neutralise or buffer changes in acidity.
To check your water pH level you can use test strips or a digital testing kit to get an accurate read. Your water pH level should be between 7.2 and 7.8, and your alkalinity should sit between 80 and 120 parts per million (ppm).

5. Winterise
To keep your spa in great condition during the colder months, it’s best to avoid fully draining it. If left empty for too long, your spa's seals, pipes, and pump could suffer damage. Instead, keep your spa running with the water circulating, even on a lower temperature or economy mode.
Keeping water moving will prevent your pipes from freezing, and a hard cover will help shield your spa from the elements.
6. Schedule regular spa maintenance
Lastly, you should book in regular spa cleaning and maintenance to reduce the chance of an unexpected breakdown when you are ready to go for a dip. Take care of your hot tub by calling a professional to replace your spa filter and perform maintenance.
Pool pump repairs in Brisbane are just as important as spa maintenance. A faulty pool pump can result in poor water circulation and filtration, which can lead to algae growth and other issues.
From replacing hot tub filters, to pump maintenance, or general spa enquiries, give our friendly team a call today.

How To Clean Spa Filters?
Regular spa maintenance is vital to you and your family’s health. However, sometimes in maintenance, it can be easy to forget about the internal workings of your spa. It’s always important to remember to properly clean your spa filter to ensure there is no debris build up.
For how to clean a spa filter, you can follow these steps:
Step 1: Turn off your spa
Before starting the cleaning process, turn off the spa and make sure the pump is not running. Locate the spa filter, typically found near the water intake area and carefully remove the filter from its housing.
Step 2: Empty the Spa Bath
If your spa doesn’t have a drain, use a hose or submersible pump. Ensure all water is removed from the pipes using an air blower or by carefully drying any remaining water with a towel. This will prevent damage caused by leftover water during the colder months.
Step 3: Rinse and Soak the Filter
When cleaning the spa filter, use a garden hose to gently rinse off loose debris and dirt from the surface. (Avoid using a high-pressure spray as it may damage the filter.)
Soak your spa filter in a bucket of water and mix in a spa cartridge cleaner. Leave this to soak.
Note to always check with your manufacturer’s recommendations before using any cleaning products.
Step 4: Clean the Spa Surfaces
Next in your spa cleaning checklist, give the surface a good once-over. After the spa is drained, give the surfaces a thorough clean with a non-abrasive cleaner. Scrub the walls, seats, and jets, removing any dirt or buildup. Don’t forget to wipe down the cover and edges too.
Step 5 Rinse and Reinsert the Filter
After soaking, thoroughly rinse the filter to remove any remaining cleaning solution and contaminants. Once the filter is clean and dry, reinsert it into its housing, ensuring it is properly aligned and securely fitted.
Step 6: Inspect Jets and Heater
Before you refill your water, check the jets and heater for any signs of wear or damage. Look for cracks, leaks, or rust around the jets. Ignoring a smaller problem could potentially lead to bigger issues down the line so it’s important to catch any issues early on.
Step 7: Turn on the Spa
Turn on the spa, check for any leaks, and ensure that the filter is working correctly. You can repeat this spa cleaning at least once a month, or once a fortnight depending on the frequency of your spa use.
Final Thoughts
With these spa maintenance tips you can ensure that your spa performs for years to come.
Prefer to leave the hard work to the experts? Our team at Northside Spa Repairs is here to assist you. Contact us today to book a service or learn more about how we can keep your spa in top condition.
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To find out more about bromine, chemical cleaners, or to book a service for your spa, contact us and we can answer your questions.
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